Mortal Kombat X is the worst new game I've played in the last 2 years.
Firstly, the game feels clunky. I play a lot of fighting games and fluidity is a big factor between what makes a game good and what makes a game bad. I'm not sure what the issue is exactly with MKX but MK9 also had the same issue, it just wasn't nowhere near as bad. It could be related to the block button, since blocking slows down your momentum. I wish NetherRealm would have opted for hold back to block style like most fighting games have adapted now. A block button just feels too archaic in today's fighting games.
Secondly, attacks seem to have little to no priority and hit confirming seems non-existent. I find with MKX that when both players are throwing out attacks it's whoever's attack hits first beats the other attack. This may seem like a positive, but it creates one dimensional game-play. Compared to a game like Street Fighter where attacks have a variety of factors that will determine if you beat, trade, or lose to your opponents attack. It's called footsies and it's completely eluded MKX. Hit confirming too is an absolute joke and it doesn't exist unless your opponent is in a juggled state.
Lastly, the game is horribly imbalanced. I find half the cast completely useless. So many useless moves and useless combos. It's like NetherRealm decided to add too many characters and too many styles for each one without actually focusing on anything. One of the biggest problems are reversals for beating pressure from your opponent. I find that with certain characters you cannot do anything once you're cornered. They can easily spam attacks and keep you there, because you just have no means of getting out. When you get up after being knocked down your opponents attacks will snuff anything you can do. Some characters have good special moves that allow you to escape and stop the pressure, but a lot of them don't or they are very poor.
Overall I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone unless you're a die-hard fan. Heck I'm a die-hard fan, I've been playing MK since MK1 came out in the arcade. And I don't like this game. It's a major disappointment and I can only hope it gets fixed sometime in the next half year but I'm not holding my breath.
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